Bare så det er sagt; Popklikk digger både The Beatles og The Rolling Stones. Begge bandene har gledet oss så mye at vi knapt finner ord.
Samtidig er det ikke tvil om at Popklikk-redaksjonen har et ekstra godt øre til Keith Richards. Måten han beveger seg på scenen og hans udødelige riff, har mer enn ofte kastet oss inn i et «dæven døtte er det mulig-modus».
Nå er han tilbake med «Trouble», kanskje sommerens mest spilte låt i Popklikks åpne landskap. En klassisk Keith-låt det er umulig ikke å elske. Den 18.september slippes hans første soloalbum på en evighet, «Crosseyed Heart», en plate bestående av 15 låter.
Mens du venter kan du, foruten å høre på låta, hygge deg med noen utdrag fra intervjuet Richards nylig gjorde med Esquire.
E: I’ve been thinking about Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sgt. Pepper, and The White Album and listening to Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Sticky Fingers, and Exile on Main St. Over the past 20 years, I’ve listened to that Stones stuff far more often.
KR: No, I understand—the Beatles sounded great when they were the Beatles. But there’s not a lot of roots in that music. I think they got carried away. Why not? If you’re the Beatles in the ’60s, you just get carried away—you forget what it is you wanted to do. You’re starting to do Sgt. Pepper. Some people think it’s a genius album, but I think it’s a mishmash of rubbish, kind of like Satanic Majesties—»Oh, if you can make a load of shit, so can we.»
E: I don’t know much beyond the sounds I hear.
KR: Thank God, nor do I. The technical aspects—my horror is doing interviews with Guitar Magazine or something. I’ve got my favorite axes that I do know quite a bit about, but when they start to go, «Is that the Gibson S3?»—I don’t fucking know. It works all right for me.
E: You’ve often said that you’d willingly pay the toll again. And I believe you.
KR: Yeah, it’s been worth the price. To become a musician, that was the dream—just to get into a band. You didn’t care if you were stuck in the back strumming away. You know, I would have gladly done that. I wouldn’t have minded being a sideman, but things turned out another way. Maybe it was the haircut or something.